Please be sure to read the regulation carefully, because if a participant is registered for one of the marathon competitions in contravention of the criteria of the event’s regulation, this registration may be invalid.
The following terms will be valid for all contestants in the following categories:
- Marathon (42.195 km)
- Half Marathon (21,0975 km)
- Tirana 10K (10 km)
- We too (2.3 km)
The organizers of this event are: Municipality of Tirana and Albanian Athletic Federation.
The participants of this event are:
- In Marathon Category (42.195 km) km), all Albanian and foreign citizens whom on the day of the event “Tirana Half Marathon” have reached 18 years old.
- In Half Marathon Category (21,0975 km), all Albanian and foreign citizens whom on the day of the event “Tirana Half Marathon” have reached 18 years old.
- In Tirana 10K Category (10 km), all Albanian and foreign citizens whom on the day of the event “Tirana Half Marathon” have reached 18 years old.
- In We too Category (2.3 km), all Albanian and foreign citizens, declared with special needs, according to the laws in power of the origin country, whom on the day of the event “Tirana Half Marathon” have reached 18 years old.
The judges will have orienting role during the itinerary of the race. But also they will have an executive role for the violations during the race and also the certification of the race result.
2- Participation and security
Participating in one of TM competitions using other sports equipment is not allowed. Any type of sports equipment that could harm the safety or health of participants or spectators is not allowed in the competition, including bicycles, skates, hover board etc. Electrical Wheelchairs and so-called hand bikes for security reasons are not permitted in any of the three categories.
Bicycle participants, inline skates and other means of transport or animals are not allowed and this lead to disqualification of the respective participant. The accompanying persons will be engaged and accredited by the organizer on the day of the competition only for the protection of the participants.
Organizational details will be notified to the participants from the organizer before the marathon event. It is imperative to follow the instructions from the organizer and the staff members identified as organizational staff. In the case of actions that disturb the proper course of the event or endanger the safety of the participants, the organizer is authorized to prohibit and disqualify the person concerned from the event at any time. Compulsory legal evidence against participants may be made exclusively by the group of persons authorized by the organizer for this purpose. This group of persons also includes members of the medical services responsible for the competition who are entitled to prevent the participant from participating or continuing to participate in the marathon event in order to protect the participant in the event of the relevant medical symptoms.
During the race itinerary the participants can find water supply points about each 2 kilometers. Athletes can take water at these points for optimal performance during the race. All distances will be associated with the Municipal Police, the Traffic Police, volunteers and medical personnel.
Tirana Marathon will be organized in all climate conditions. However, the organizer reserves the right to terminate the marathon in the event of a near danger (e.g. heat, heavy weather, mature force, terror, etc).
3- Registration and Organizational issues
Maratona e Tiranës 2024, në të gjitha kategoritë do të mbahet ditën e dielë, datë 20 Tetor 2024, duke filluar nga ora 09:00.
Distances and itineraries for all categories will be graphically presented on the booths raised by the organizers, also in the official web page of Tirana Marathon www.tiranamarathon.com.
All the interested persons should register at the official website of the marathon www.tiranamarathon.com, in the session Register as well as at all EasyPay service points in Albania. http://www.easypay.al/vendodhja-e-agjenteve-easypay/
All participants, that want to register in Tirana 10K (10 km) category and at the day of “Tirana Marathon” event have not reached 18 years old, in order to have a valid registration have to send through the system, a ID card or passport photo of their parents and a signed parents authorization. You can download the agreement participation form in the section “Register” at the Tirana 10K category.
In case of postponement of the event due to force majeure, which makes the event impossible for organizational reasons, the organizers reserve the right to change the date, time and venue of the event by notifying the participants through the mass media . In this case, the value of the registration fee is valid as it is and is not canceled.
If the event will be definitely cancelled, the registration fee may be returned within a specified time, that will be announced according to the respective press releases in the mass media. The registrars accepts that the organizers are not required to compensate for the value of the registration fee for any other expenses that may result from the cancellation of the event.
In case of cancellation of the event due to majeure force, at least thirty-five (35) minutes after the start of the race, the event is considered exhausted and not repeated. In this case the registration fee is not compensated.
In case a person has successfully completed his registration, this individual does not have the right to alter the registration with the data of another individual.
Cancellation or return of the registration fee after successful completion is not possible for any reason.
Gara do të konsiderohet zyrtarisht e mbyllur nga kohëmatësi pas 5 orë e gjysmë. Duhet të siguroheni të përfundoni garën përpara këtij afati dhe organizatorët kanë të drejtë të zhbllokojnë rrugët pas përfundimit zyrtar.
4- Exclusion of responsibilities
The organizer does not take responsibility for material damages or loss of property.
The organizer does not take responsibility for the health risks of a participant, regarding his participation in one of the competitions of the Marathon of Tirana. It is a participants responsibility to declare before the race the medical assessment of his / her health condition.
5- Data collection and data processing
Personal data provided by the participant during the registration are preserved and processed only for the organization of Tirana Marathon activity, including the identification of the participant, provided with Bib number and evaluation of the participant.
Videos, Audios, Pictures and interviews of the participants aiming the promotion of Tirana Marathon will be transmitted on TV, Radio or Newspaper by the organizer. The participants are excluded from any claimant for financial reward.
6- Time recording and Bib number
Të gjithë pjesëmarësit, të cilët janë regjistuar deri në datë 16 Tetor 2023, ora 00:00, do të mund të pajisen me numra garues dhe regjistruesit e kohës Bib në datat 19, 20 dhe 21 Tetor 2023 në çadrën e shërbimit përkatës, pranë sheshit “Skenderbej” të ngritur nga organizatorët. Orari i këtij shërbimi do të jetë nga ora 09:00 deri në orën 20:00. Pajisja me numrin garues dhe regjistruesin e kohës Bib mund të bëhet vetëm në këto ditë. Të gjithë ata të cilët nuk do të mund të tërheqin numrin garues dhe matësin e kohës Bib në këtë datë, janë automatikisht të skualifikuar nga gara.
Çdo pjesëmarrës do të pajiset me 1 (një) numër në çadrën e shërbimit të ngritur nga organizatorët, në datat 19, 20, 21 tetor 2023 pranë sheshit “Skënderbej”. Ky numër është unik dhe identifikues për çdo pjesëmarrës. Para fillimit të garës çdo pjesëmarrës duhet ta ketë të vendosur në pjesë të dukshme të trupit, përkatësisht në pjesën e gjoksit ose barkut. Numrat garues dhe matësit e kohës Bib duhet të jenë të vendosura deri në përfundim ose deri kur pjesëmarrësi dorëhiqet nga gara.
Racing without the Bib number received by the organizers, is considered violation and this cause the non recording time of the participant. Exceeding the borders of the race itinerary defined by the organizers is considered violation of the race rules and brings as a result the non-recording running time of the participant. If the participants make a violation, this will be decided by the judges.
7- Winner’s reward
All the participants in the race will receive the medal of participation. The winners will receive the medals for these categories:
– Marathon (42.195 km)
– Half Marathon (21,0975 km)
– Tirana 10K (10 km)
– We too (2.3 km)